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How We Recycle

Recycling is essential for protecting our planet and preserving resources. this is what happens to your waste after it's collected.


1. Transport to sorting facilities

​After collection, the waste is transported to a sorting facility or transfer station. Here, it’s organized into different categories—such as recyclables, compostable materials, and landfill waste. This initial sorting is crucial to ensure that materials are processed appropriately.


2. Sorting and separation

​At the sorting facility, machines and workers separate the waste further. Metals, plastics, paper, and glass are typically separated into distinct streams. Advanced technology, like magnets and air classifiers, helps in separating these materials efficiently. Organic waste, like food scraps, is often diverted to composting facilities.


3. Processing materials

​Recyclable materials such as glass, plastic, and metal are then sent to specialized processing plants. Here, they are cleaned, shredded, melted down, or otherwise processed into raw materials that can be used to create new products. For instance, recycled plastics might be turned into pellets that manufacturers can use to make new plastic items.

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